I thought we were finished with this rollercoaster. It had been many months, over 5, to be exact, since she last had a seizure. Read More
Truth to be told, I have very few good memories of going to church as a child. I tend to remember the hassle of getting ready to go, the complaints of older siblings, the dreary loneliness of being the only girl in my Sunday School class and very few of us total, at that. Read More
I love lovely coincidences. I believe that is called serendipity is it not? Read More
Here in the Nyveldt homeschool, we are currently studying ancient history, specifically, Egypt. Being the type with an inquiring mind, I was prompted to do some more research about how and where the Hebrew nation fit into the Egyptian timeline. Read More
It is always quite humorous to hear the botching of perfectly good lyrics, words, and phrases that children come up with; sometimes eyebrow-raising, even embarrassing, but yes, always funny. I spent a good deal of time today thinking about how one of my children has interpreted a certain verse out of Psalms 23. Read More